Charli Kaye Banks

Charli Kaye Banks

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Glimpse of my trip home...

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Welcome Penn!!!

Here is my new friend PENN!!!! I am so excited that he is finally here. His daddy, Brad, was one of Momma's best friends growing cool is it that we can grow up together!!! I love my new friend and can't wait to play when we go back home for a visit. We love you Penn and are so glad that your here!!!

Such a Proud Daddy!!!

Happy Halloween

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Charli & the "Snail"

Charli LOVES her boppy...but she recently discovered the "snail"

Charli was crackin me up!!! Everytime I would STOP filming...she would start crackin up!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Fun!!!

Labor Day was Fun!
I got to spend the whole weekend with Momma & Daddy!!!
We started the weekend off by going out to eat for Daddy's birthday and ended it by going swimming with the Jaggers.

Here I am at the pool getting ready to go swimming for the very FIRST time.
Momma didn't bring her swimsuit b/c she thought the water would be too cold to swim but when we got there it was just right!!!

Since Momma didn't bring her swimsuit...I got to swim with Mrs. Natalie.
I didn't know what to think about all that water but once I got in and started playing I had a lot of fun!!!

After swimming for a LONG time (about 5 mins) I got out and decided to take a short nap on the lawn chair.
The sun felt GREAT after a long hard swim.

I sure did have fun this Labor Day weekend!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Too much fun...

I love my playmat...It's so cool!!!
Ooo...What does that do???

This is very interesting... Hmm... I had to take a nap after playing b/c Mommy said I was tired...but obviously I wasn't!!! Momma decided to take some pics to show everyone how big I'm getting... I don't think I have a double chin...What do you think? I'm tired of taking pics...but Momma keeps telling me to smile...
So I decided to "kinda" smile to get her to stop... Here I am getting ready for my FIRST church service... Daddy forgot to inform me & Momma that church service times changed... So we spent my FIRST church service outside the sanctuary b/c it was OVER when we got there... least me and Momma looked GOOD!!! Now I'm a little embarrassed about this pic but Mommy put them on here anyway...This is what I look like when Daddy picks out my clothes & dresses me WITHOUT Momma!!!Mommy told Daddy to take a picture with me so that I wouldn't feel so bad about what I was wearing...(lets face it Daddy's not the most fashion forward)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mommy & Daddy decided to take me to the zoo b/c they knew that I would like seeing all of the animals but I was kinda tired. I pretty much slept through the entire trip except when we got to the lion's den. I would like to say that I woke up to see the big lion's...but I only woke up to eat!!! Mommy & Daddy said they had a lot of fun at the zoo & promised to take me back when I wasn't so tired & maybe a little bit bigger.

My 1st Trip to the ZOO!!!!

Daddy is so silly...
After I woke up from a "small" nap Mommy & I took a picture in front of the lion's den!!!
I gotta little hungry after my picture so Daddy went to get me a bottle...but he took FOREVER!!!!
Daddy FINALLY got back so we paused for a pic...
We finally finished our tour at the zoo but Mommy wanted one more picture
Gotta have a pic with Daddy too...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Here are some more pictures of me and my family!!! I've already found out that I have a really BIG family and lots of friends. (You know what that means...LOTS of presents!!!)

I love my Papa & Nene & especially my BIG cousin Wes!!!

Me & Aunt Melanie...

This is right before I spit up on Uncle Jonathan (daddy told me to)

This is me with Aunt Karen & Emma!!! (I'm sitting on her...she'll be here in November)

Daddy's friend Justin came to visit me & momma in the hospital (isn't he CUTE!!!)

Here's me & Aunt Jennifer