Charli Kaye Banks

Charli Kaye Banks

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Too much fun...

I love my playmat...It's so cool!!!
Ooo...What does that do???

This is very interesting... Hmm... I had to take a nap after playing b/c Mommy said I was tired...but obviously I wasn't!!! Momma decided to take some pics to show everyone how big I'm getting... I don't think I have a double chin...What do you think? I'm tired of taking pics...but Momma keeps telling me to smile...
So I decided to "kinda" smile to get her to stop... Here I am getting ready for my FIRST church service... Daddy forgot to inform me & Momma that church service times changed... So we spent my FIRST church service outside the sanctuary b/c it was OVER when we got there... least me and Momma looked GOOD!!! Now I'm a little embarrassed about this pic but Mommy put them on here anyway...This is what I look like when Daddy picks out my clothes & dresses me WITHOUT Momma!!!Mommy told Daddy to take a picture with me so that I wouldn't feel so bad about what I was wearing...(lets face it Daddy's not the most fashion forward)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mommy & Daddy decided to take me to the zoo b/c they knew that I would like seeing all of the animals but I was kinda tired. I pretty much slept through the entire trip except when we got to the lion's den. I would like to say that I woke up to see the big lion's...but I only woke up to eat!!! Mommy & Daddy said they had a lot of fun at the zoo & promised to take me back when I wasn't so tired & maybe a little bit bigger.

My 1st Trip to the ZOO!!!!

Daddy is so silly...
After I woke up from a "small" nap Mommy & I took a picture in front of the lion's den!!!
I gotta little hungry after my picture so Daddy went to get me a bottle...but he took FOREVER!!!!
Daddy FINALLY got back so we paused for a pic...
We finally finished our tour at the zoo but Mommy wanted one more picture
Gotta have a pic with Daddy too...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Here are some more pictures of me and my family!!! I've already found out that I have a really BIG family and lots of friends. (You know what that means...LOTS of presents!!!)

I love my Papa & Nene & especially my BIG cousin Wes!!!

Me & Aunt Melanie...

This is right before I spit up on Uncle Jonathan (daddy told me to)

This is me with Aunt Karen & Emma!!! (I'm sitting on her...she'll be here in November)

Daddy's friend Justin came to visit me & momma in the hospital (isn't he CUTE!!!)

Here's me & Aunt Jennifer

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hello Everyone!!!

As you know Grant & I have added a wonderful new addition to our family!!! She is definitely the best thing that has ever happened to us. She's only been here a couple of days and is already in charge of the family. Charli has her dad's appetite which means she's growing but it keeps me busy.